
Welcome to Mike’s widefield astrophotography and thanks for looking.
I will be adding to the images when time and conditions allow.

Equipment in use at my Steyning observatory.
Atik 383L+, Samyang 135mm f/2 lens, Astrodon 1.25″ Ha 5nm filter.
HEQ5 Pro mount with Rowan belt mod guided with a 60mm scope and Lacerta MGEN stand alone guider.
Laptop running Cartes du Ciel and EQMOD for goto, Artemis capture for image acquisition.
Artesky 250mm LED panel for taking flats.
All images are processed in Deep Sky Stacker, PixInsight and Photoshop CC.

Update 28th June 2017
First month of CCD imaging and it’s gone really well.
Guiding and subs of 600 to 900secs in Ha have been achievable.
Really pleased with the outcome.

Update 26th May 2017
First chance in about 3 months to get out and get the first real image with the widefield Ha setup.
This was 18x600secs exposures of IC 1396 in Chepeus, captured with Artemis Capture, processed
in Pixinsight and PS CC 2017.

Update 9th March 2017
Have now added a photo section to this site

Update Jan 28th 2017
I have now purchased an Atik 383L+ mono CCD and intend on doing some narrowband imaging.
Hopefully I can image through all the light pollution here and get back in the game.
I have a set of Astrodon 1.25″ filters which include Ha, and LRGB.
The Ha 5nm filter is the one I’m starting with.
The Samyang
135mm f/2 is now here and I have rigged up a focus motor to make focusing easier.
Hopefully I now have the back focus correct and all we want is some clear skies.

All Images © Mike Jupp

Any comments please email Mike